Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Teaching vs Learning...

Dear bloggers...

Halooo citt hari ni terajin pulak nak upload lagi satu entri...

Yup I am a part-time tutor...

Trust me.. As a teacher, you will have many best moments than the bad one.You also will always have to be a person who knows everything because the kids nowadays like to ask many things and most of it are not in the syllabus. Maybe because they are very open with a lot of information on the Internet that raises a question mark on them.

I got to teach a special kid that I really wish him to be a pilot one day. In addition, that was his ambition and I see in him. He is a fast learner student in mathematic but slow in Bahasa Malaysia. Besides that, he is quite lazy and it depends on his mood. When he start to be lazy he will say he don't know even the question is 1+1=? ... 

He loves to share about his travel story. This kid memang dah biasa travel dengan naik kapal terbang since dari baby lagi dan sememangnya anak tunggal yang tidak banyak orang untuk di luahkan perasaan.. Sampai rasanya sayalah antara tempat untuknya bercerita.. segala-galanya.. kawan-kawan dia... mainan baru dia... So because of saya di lahirkan di dalam keluarga besar yang  sangat kelam kabut ,kecoh, riuh rendah.. sepai bagai.. sorang bercakap dah di sahut sampai tak sabar-sabar yang lainnya tak tunggu giliran. For this kid I feel the loneliness in him.. and because of that, his lovely mother give him everything he wants ... Every school holiday he will go on flight to other country and that makes him good in speaking english. 

Tengoklah buku ape yang dia suka tunjuk and baca. Menangis cikgunya tengok sebab kecik-kecik dulu paling hebat pun buku cikgunya baca "Arnab dan kura-kura".

He loves to share with me about his flight. His aeroplanes toys. Vigorously told me about the flight Garuda.. MAS... and soo on he ever boarded .. Yang iolls pernah naik cumalah Air asia.. Boleh dikatakan he is master about the type of aeroplanes. Sebab die boleh tahu jenis-jenis aeroplanes yang banyak tuh.. dia boleh tahu aeroplanes yang mane dia akan naik untuk bercuti nanti.. For his ages I think he is too smart to know those things.. cube bayangkan kita kecik-kecik dulu tengok flight just cakap wahhhhh besarnya!!!!   But for him he looks at the many passenger...the size... how many windows of the flight.. he knows... because he draw it.. 

Hasil lukisan bilamana diminta melukis dengan balasan he will do the homework yang cikgunya bagi. (>,,<) hahaha menangis... dan barulah cikgunya belajar ape menda yang ada kat flight bukan pakai naik je...... opps. yang tingkap kat hujung tu asalnya cikgu dia lukis 3 je... the dia cakap 5 lah cikgu.. ohh now I know...

Jadi bila kita menjadi seorang guru... banyak sebenarnya yang kita belajar bukan sahaja kita mengajar... 
Kita juga dengan tidak sengaja akan menjadi seorang yang memberi manfaat kepada orang lain...

I really love him like my own kid I think hihihihi..ishhh mana boleh caras mak dia.. eh tetibe... 

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