Friday, November 26, 2010

Selamat pagi dunia....

Salam semua...

pepagi bute aku dah tercongok depan laptop...
maybe dah terbiase n waktu tidur dah mencukupi... dripada main golek2 atas katil lebih baik aku update blog yg sunyi sepi neyh hehehe....
semalam malam yg panjg...huahuahua...macam2 aku mimpi...
family...member... knape yerk???
windu sangat kowt aku kat diowg neyh ...
This week aku memg giler dengan kemerduan suara si Yuna neyh...
setiap kali bukak laptop xsah xbukak lagu die...
setiap bait lagu die memg menyentuh jiwe..hahaha jiwang siot...
lirik die sedap...n buleh dibuat masak lomak cili api...wakaka ...melalut sudah...
Minggu neyh agak busy la dengan ALAM...
ape tuh ALAM??
hahaha bukan 2 ALAM... cite Dr Rozmeyh tuh...
kalo dapat free bru aku sape nak bg tiket free roger2 aku...
ALAM singkatan kepade Assembly of student Landscape Architecture Malaysia... i think so..
Jenuh juger nak bgtau my mom n dad...knaper la aku sibuk2 duduk kat u time cuti2 neyh...
adela dalam 5 kali lebeyh aku terangkan kat diowg ... hahaha...mungkin diowg windu kat aku...
so nak menatap wajah aku lame2 ckit kat umah... my mom ciap webcam lagi ngan aku,...hahaha so terbuktilah sume yg aku andaikan benar2 belake.... hehehehe.......
ALAM.... hehehe ibu n ayah.... kalo bace neyh odah terangkan semula.... supaya boleh jawab exam nanti....
Disini.. pusat-pusat pengajian tinggi yang menawarkan kos Landscape arcitecture yg terpilih akan menghantarkan student2nyer untuk melibatkan diri dengan aktiviti yg dianjurkan oleh penganjur...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Deeper Conversation.... with me..

Is your favourite colour blue? 
And do you always tell the truth? 
Do you believe in outer space? 
I'm learning you 

Is your skin as tan as mine? 
Does your hair flow side ways? 
Did someone take a portion of your heart? 
Now I'm learning you 

And if you don't mind can you tell me all your hopes & fears 
And everything that you believe in 
Would you make a difference in the world 
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation 
Only you can make me.... 

I've let my guard down for you 
And in time you will too 

And if you don't mind can you tell me all your hopes & fears 
And everything that you believe in 
Would you make a difference in the world 
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation 
Only you can make me.... 

And if you don't mind can you tell me all your hopes & fears 
And everything that you believe in 
Would you make a difference in the world 
I'd love for you to take me to a deeper conversation 
Only you can make me.... 

Deeper conversation with me ( x3 ) 
Deeper conversation.... 

Does your name rhyme with mine?